DMV Partnership
Donate Life Northwest's partnership with the Oregon DMV has formed the foundation of our outreach work for 40 years. As any Oregonian with a driver's license, permit, or ID knows, DMV employees support our mission every day with a seemingly simple question: "Would you like to register as an organ, eye, and tissue donor?"
Joining the Oregon Donor Registry via the Oregon DMV has proved to be a phenomenally successful option, with 99% of new registrations coming through the DMV, and more than 3 million of Oregon drivers registered with their decision to donate.
Donate Life Northwest helps to educate Oregon DMV employees about the meaning and importance of the donor code or heart. We are grateful every day for their work to save lives and improve health through donor registration.
Washington DMV employee education is a program of LifeCenter Northwest.
For more information about the Oregon DMV please visit their website.