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Classroom Speaker Request

At this time, we are offering both in-person and virtual presentations. Please fill out the form below with your request, or email us directly at, and we will be in touch to find an option that works for everyone. Additionally, feel free to check out our remote teaching resources as well.

Educate and inspire your students about donation! Donate Life Northwest offers free classroom presentations to middle schools, high schools, and university classes (including driver education) in Oregon and SW Washington (Clark, Cowlitz, Skamania, and Walla Walla Counties). Presentations are given by either a Donate Life staffer or a highly trained Ambassador with a personal or professional connection to donation.

We invite you to prepare for our presentation by downloading our free, newly updated curriculum at! You'll find CCSS-aligned activities, videos, readings, and stories that can be used before or after our visit in your driver education, health, health careers, leadership, or science classroom.

Please note that we only accept presentation requests with a minimum of 3 weeks' notice, as this ensures we have enough time to schedule a speaker and get them the materials needed for your classes.

Presentations are subject to speaker availability.
For each class/period in which you would would like a presentation, please fill out a separate "class" section (e.g. if you would like a guest speaker to come to three periods, you should fill out the date, start and end time, subject, and number of students for "First class", "Second Class", and "Third Class").
You may also request student presentation materials in Spanish.


Contact 1
Physical address where the presenter will show up for in-person presentations.
First Class
Second Class
Third Class
Fourth Class
Fifth Class
Sixth class
Please list a second choice of date(s) in case your first choice is not available. If you have more than 6 classes, please give details in the space provided.
How would you like your speaker to join your class?*
Our presentation uses a PowerPoint and YouTube videos. Will this work for your classroom set up or virtual platform?*
For in-class presentations, this means access to a computer/projector set up or smart screen with internet access. For virtual presentations, this means the speaker will have host permissions to screen share and audio share.
For in-person presentations: What kind of software do you use?
As many of our speakers are immune-compromised organ recipients, it is important to know any safety protocols that your school is following, as well as what protocols our speakers need to follow.
Preferred Speaker Type
Each of our staff, partner, and volunteer speakers will share their connection to donation, whether professional or personal. Let us know if you have a preference; we will do our best to meet your needs. If you have a specific speaker in mind, please note below.
How did you hear about these presentations?