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Nominate a Star!

Nominate a Star! To recognize a family member, friend, or colleague who has made a difference in the donation/transplantation community, please nominate them as a star using this form. 

Your information
Star Information
i.e. mother, father, child, sibling, friend, etc.
Your story
Please upload a photo of the star you are nominating
One file only.
5 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png.
Terms & Conditions
By submitting personal stories to Donate Life Northwest, individuals agree to the following statements:
Submission Statement 1
1) I agree that by submitting this personal story and photographs (optional), I authorize Donate Life Northwest to review submitted materials and determine use for publicizing transplantation, donation and to promote the need for organ, eye and tissue donors. Donate Life Northwest will notify me (using the contact information I have provided in this form) in the event that my story and/or images will be used.
Submision Statement 2
2) By clicking "Submit", I understand that my story may be used in the media (TV, newspapers, magazines, radio, etc); online (website, social media, etc.), and more generally as part of Donate Life Northwest’s outreach and promotional purposes.
Story Submision Agreement*