Celeste Williams and Justin Weatherman married in October 2018, and thanks to generous tissue donors, these two walked down the aisle as two grateful tissue recipients.
Today, Rob and Jen and their two children -- Lauren and Jonathan -- live life to the fullest. And it's all thanks to a generous donor!
Robert Ayers barely witnessed his daughter Lauren's birth in October 2005. Just hours after bringing his wife, Jennifer, and the baby home from the hospital, Robert was hospitalized with further complications from the liver disease that has plagued him for over two years. Before his liver transplant, Rob Ayers feared he would not be alive to watch his newborn daughter Lauren grow up. Because of the generosity of his donor, exactly four months after transplant, Rob hiked to the summit of Mt. Adams with his wife Jen. Today, Rob and Jen and their two children -- Lauren and Jonathan -- live life to the fullest. And it's all thanks to a generous donor!
Donate Life Northwest urges people to designate themselves as a donor. Code your driver's license as donor, sign up on line at donatelifenw.org, or call 503.494.7888 or 1.800.452.1369 for a paper registry form. Please... share your decision with your family!