Donate Life Educators
There is no better place to educate first-time drivers about organ, eye, and tissue donation than in the classroom! The Go Recycle Yourself presentation, curriculum, website, and social media channels (Facebook, Instagram and Twitter) were designed to prepare students in Oregon and Washington for their first trip to the DMV, where they will be asked "Do you want to register as an organ, eye, and tissue donor?"
Highly trained volunteers -- our elite team of Donate Life Educators -- visit schools throughout the region to implement the Go Recycle Yourself Classroom Presentation. Speakers are transplant recipients, living donors, healthcare professionals, or donor family members passionate about talking to youth about their decision to donate.
Interested in volunteering as a Donate Life Educator?
- Be sure that you have already attended Donate Life 101. If not, find upcoming training opportunities here.
Call 503-494-7888 to speak with Education Outreach staff with any questions about the program or training.
Volunteers should be comfortable with public speaking, sharing their story, and have availability during typical school hours.
Attend a Donate Life 301 training. This training must be completed each school year. Visit our calendar for upcoming dates.
Donate Life Northwest requires evidence of a background check for its school-based volunteers. Please contact the Education Coordinator at education@donatelifenw.org for information on how to submit your background check.
Observe trained speakers.
Your turn to share your story with students!
Already a Donate Life Educator?
We require volunteers to refresh their training once every school year, via in-person or webinar trainings.
Download a free digital copy of Recycle Yourself: A Guide to Organ, Eye and Tissue Donation
Videos for the Classroom
Presentations for Health, Driver Ed, and Leadership Classrooms
- Washington
Presentations for Science and Health Careers Classrooms