Susan Hassett
Susan's personal fight against Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy has finally ended, thanks to one individual who registered as an organ donor.
"I won," Susan Hassett triumphantly declares. "Three months into recovery from a heart transplant, and I can say with confidence that I won." Susan's battle with Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy, a life-threatening genetic heart disease, took a toll not only on her own health, but has also plagued members of her family. She was diagnosed only three months before her brother passed away from the same disease while waiting for a heart transplant.
Throughout her multi-layered and complex experience, Susan’s resilience and strength have been truly unfailing. "I fought against this heart disease the only way I knew how," she said. "...with my brother's optimism, and through opportunities to educate the public about the pressing need for organ, eye and tissue donation."
Susan's personal fight against Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy has finally ended, thanks to one individual who registered as an organ donor. While an entirely new journey of post-transplant recovery has begun, Susan's wisdom and strength continue to grow and inspire those around her.
Donate Life Northwest urges people to designate themselves as a donor. Code your driver's license as donor, sign up on line at donatelifenw.org, or call 503.494.7888 or 1.800.452.1369 for a paper registry form. Please... share your decision with your family!