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Educational Resources

Our downloadable resources are free to copy and distribute for educational purposes. Hard copies of printed materials can be requested online. 

Donor Registration Form



Visit our Youtube Channel for several more videos in English and Espanol. 

Community Education

Request presentations or materials for Communities.


Communities of Faith - Comunidades de Fe

National Donor Sabbath is a time for people of all faiths to honor those who have given the lifesaving and healing gift of organ, eye and tissue donation.  Donate Life Northwest is available year-round to work with communities of faith, to bring the message of donation to congregations throughout Oregon and Southwest Washington.

Call 503-494-3525 to speak with our Community Engagement Coordinator about getting your faith community involved with workshops, presentations, film screenings, donor drives or material distribution. Materiales y videos disponsibles en espanol.



School Programs

Go Recycle Yourself


National Donate Life Month - Mes Nacional Done Vida

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