Erase the Wait - Living Kidney Mentorship Program
Thank you for your interest in our Erase the Wait Mentorship Program. As of 2023, we are no longer offering this program. In its place, we now offer the two-day Finding a Living Donor Workshop. You can find out more about this new program here.
This program focuses on living kidney donation by pairing waitlisted kidney patients with trained mentors who are living donors or recipients of living donations. Through peer networking, education on living donation, training on sharing one's story and need, and the chance to speak with those who have experienced living donation, participants and their support people are equipped to pursue living donation in the way that is most suitable for them.
- Patients attend three trainings where they will gain valuable information about living kidney donation, explore outreach tools, and expand willingness to share their story--all while building a stronger support system.
- After completing the trainings, patients will be paired with a mentor who will work one-on-one to help patients self-advocate and actively search for a living donor.
- Patients must be active on the waitlist at one of our area transplant hospitals: OHSU, Legacy Good Samaritan, or the Portland VA Hospital.
- Trainings are scheduled periodically throughout the year. Contact us to register for the next training series.
- Learn more about Erase the Wait by reading this One-Page Flyer and this FAQ page to find out if it's right for you.
- Mentors are living kidney donors or recipients of a living kidney donation, and currently live in Oregon or Washington.
- Mentors attend a one-day training to learn about living kidney donation and practice the skills that make a good mentor before being paired up with a waitlisted kidney patient.
- Training will include information about living kidney donation as well as mentorship and communication skills.
- Trainings are scheduled periodically throughout the year. Contact us to register for the next training series.
- Learn more by reading this One-Page Flyer and this FAQ page to find out if it's right for you.
If you are interested in participating or have questions, please contact Donate Life Northwest at livingdonation@donatelifenw.org.
For patients who speak Spanish, please contact Maria at Maria@donatelifenw.org for our Spanish program. Para pacientes que hablan español, comuníquese con María para nuestro programa en español.