Stories of Hope
Wyatt Owens
Wyatt's family always believed in organ donation – and they talked about it. When the time came, there was no doubt that he wanted to give the gift of life.
Donovan Williams
At the age of 14, Donovan “Dono” Williams gave an extraordinary gift to five strangers: life.
Mandi Christensen
Mandi only lived on this earth for 16 years, but her years were good years – years full of faith, hope, and love that she freely shared with everyone around her.
Mackenzie Hoover
When Mackenzie was just 16, he decided to register as a donor. Almost 10 years later, a tragic accident and brain injury led to him giving the gifts of life and sight.
Austin Prather
Austin's sudden, tragic death was a shock to those who knew him. But through his donations, he was able to give others a second chance at life.
Bobby Olive, Sr.
Bobby's sudden, devastating death left a hole in his family, yet bonded them together with a new family and brought them all healing through his heart donation.
Brian Robinson
To me, Brian is still my little seven-year-old boy, whom I miss very, very much.
Carrie Nance
After the tragic loss of his daughter, Carrie, Scott Nance finds strength in sharing their story while spreading awareness for organ, eye, and tissue donation.
Cassie Harris
“Momma, I’m a donor. I’m going to save someone one day!”
Daniel Indra
It’s been one of the saving graces that my husband and I have – knowing that our son is still alive, and he is alive in four people.