Vehicle Contributions
Your car, truck, motorcycle, boat, ATV, or RV can save lives!
Vehicle contributions support Donate Life Northwest programs to overcome barriers and build cultural appreciation for organ, eye and tissue donation. Running and some non-running vehicles are accepted. The better the condition of the vehicle, the more it will fetch at auction.
One contributor shared this awesome story of a family vehicle that had already helped save a life through kidney donation, and was ready for its next journey to help inspire more gifts of life, sight and health.
Donate Life Northwest is a partner of Charity Connections, a program of the local nonprofit Volunteers of America, where they have been helping local nonprofits with vehicle contributions since 1991. They facilitate necessary paperwork, scheduling and transportation. You can complete a form here and their representative will contact you to schedule pick up, or give them a call at (503) 956-3048, and let them know Donate Life Northwest is your designated charity.
They will pick up (from most areas in OR and SW WA) then sell the vehicle, forward the proceeds to Donate Life Northwest as you designate, and provide you with the proper receipt and information for tax purposes. In most cases, if the vehicle is sold for less than $500, you may deduct the fair market value up to $500, while deductions for vehicles with a claimed value of more than $500 may not exceed the actual selling price of the vehicle. Check out the IRS publication on vehicle contributions for more information.